| Fedyushkin A.I.
| Resume
| Publications
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A.I. Fedyushkin: resume
- Education
- Mathematician - Engineer, M.S., Moscow Aviation University (MAI) 1978
- Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS, 1987
1978 - now Senior scientific researcher, Lab. Mechanics of complex fluids,
Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS
Total number of publications is 200
Research interests
- Forced and free-convective heat and mass transfer.
- Vibration convection.
- Convection in microgravity environments
- Heat and mass transfer in crystal growth processes.
- Numerical simulation of flows of single- and multiphase fluids.
Teaching and guiding the work of bachelors, masters and postgraduates Moscow Aviation University (MAI)
Memberships & Honours
Medal and diploma for best scientific work, 1978.
- Silver medal of the USSR VDNH for the kode of programs for numerical modeling of hydrodynamics "MARENA", 1985.
Contact information:
Email: fai@ipmnet.ru Web:
Tel: +7 (495) 433-34-97 Fax: +7 (495) 739-95-31
Mail address: Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS, prospect
Vernadskogo 101, b1, Moscow, 119526, Russia