Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics
Research Topics
- basic research in the field of dynamics and control of robots and robotic systems;
- optimal control in robotics;
- manipulation robots;
- locomotion (mobile) robots;
- robots for motion along arbitrarily inclined surfaces; wall-climbing robots;
- actuators and sensors for mobile robots;
- mobile robots without external propelling devices; vibration-driven robots;
- robots for extreme environments (fire fighting robots, demining robots, robots for cleanup of radioactively contaminated sites, space robots);
- robotic exoskeletons for human beings.
robotics, mechatronics, robotic systems, manipulation robots, mobile robots, dynamics, control, optimization, basic research, applications.
Personality | Degree | Position | Room | Phone (int) | Phone (ext) | |
Nikolai Bolotnik | Corresponding Member of RAS | Head of Laboratory | 402 | 12-41 | +7 495 434 3501 | bolotnik |
Ivan Ermolov | D.Sc., Professor of RAS | Deputy Director, Leading Researcher | 369 | 12-01 | +7 495 434 3547 | ermolov |
Maxim Knyazkov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 119 | 14-21 | +7 495 433 7766 | ipm_labrobotics |
Evgeny Semenov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 119 | 14-21 | +7 495 433 7766 | sim11650808 |
Artem Sukhanov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 119 | 14-21 | +7 495 433 7766 | |
Vladislav Chashchukhin | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 118 | 13-48 | +7 495 433 7766 | ketlk |
Philip Belchenko | | Junior Researcher | 119 | 14-21 | +7 495 433 7766 | |
Olga Kotova | | Leading Programmer | 118 | 13-48 | +7 495 433 7766 | |
Pavel Ostricov | | Leading Programmer | 118 | 13-48 | +7 495 433 7766 | |
Evgenii Novikov | | Programmer | 119 | 14-21 | +7 495 433 7766 | |